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ParaMind 3.1 allows multiple windows to be open at a time, creating a separate window for each merge and displaying the results of the merge in a new window. The number of Word Categories you can have in a single directory has been expanded to 999 in the Standard version.

The "Replace by Category" function has been significantly improved. "Replace by Category" is a search method that looks for your word in the ParaMind database. Some search methods in computers will only find your exact word. If you are doing a web search on "apples," if you type in "apple," you won't get "apples," but only "apple." You will not find as many results. So we found a way in our old programs to have the user find Word Categories that have both "apple" and "apples." We call that search method "Replace by Category Partial." We have also created a method that let's you find the exact word, which we call "Replace by Category Exact" If you are looking for "apples" you will only find "apples," not "apple."

We have also added many new words to the existing 500 Word Categories that have come with ParaMind and cleaned up some of them up. That is, earlier versions of ParaMind made no claim to having Word Categories existing in the same parts of speech. In releasing 3.0, we made a move to have all words in a Word Category be in the same part of speech. Version 3.1 further completes that transition. Almost all Word Categories that had less than the maximum number of twenty-two words have been increased, adding hundreds of new words in the process.

In older versions we recommended printing ParaMind documents from a word processor, but in Version 3.1 you can print documents directly from ParaMind.

ParaMind 3.0

ParaMind 3.1

Allows only one window to be open at a time.

Allows multiple windows to be open at a time.

Displays all the results of a merge within the same window as the original sentence.

Creates a separate window for each merge, displaying the results of the merge in a new window.

Contains only one title bar, the name of the current document.

The main window contains the title "Standard ParaMind MDI" and other windows have title bars containing the name of the document.


Contains a whole new menu "Window" containing five items pertaining to window management.


Contains a "Tip of the Day" icon on the button bar.

Contains an "Edit Categories" icon on the button bar.


Contains a "Print" icon on the button bar.


Updated button icons: Merge Wizard, Small Simple Merge, Large Simple Merge, Large Complex Merge, Substitute Highlighted Word, Category Type, and Dictionary Printer.


The File menu has a "Close" function to close windows since this version can create multiple windows.


The File menu has a "Print" function. Only this version can print documents.

The document window has a white background.

The document window has a blue background, while the workspace window has a grey background.

The word highlight color is black.

The word highlight color is brown.

Contains the "Exact Words Matched Categories" function under the "Create" menu.

Contains the "Partial Words Matched Categories" function under the Create menu.

Contains the "Delete Merges" function under the Create menu.

The Small Simple Merge window has a "Change Category" button.

All merge windows have an "Exact Words Matched Categories" and a "Partial Words Matched Categories" checkbox.

This version creates a file named "MERGE" and overwrites the file for each merge. This file is stored in the directory where the executable is located.

This version creates a unique file for each merge and places them in the "Merge" folder.

A maximum of 2 Word Categories can be selected for a Large Complex Merge or a Large Simple Merge.

A maximum of 100 Word Categories can be selected for a Large Complex Merge or a Large Simple Merge.

The Substitute Highlighted Word window has a "Change Category" button.

The Substitute Highlighted Word window has a "Continue" button.

The Find Word to Substitute window has a "Change Category" button.

The Create menu has a "Replace by Category" function.

The Small Simple Merge window has a "Continue" button.

Small merges only allow a merge with one Word Ctegory.

Small merges allow a merge with an unlimited amount of Word Categories.

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