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ParaMind Lite Version 3.0 -- Entry Level Brainstorming

ParaMind Lite will create brainstorms on your original text just like the ParaMind Standard version will. You simply type or paste in your sentence, select and follow the Merge Wizard, and get back up to 50 pages of your sentence changed in fascinating ways.

ParaMind Lite 3.0 has the same Word Category database as the ParaMind Standard and Professional versions. This is an added value that is new in ParaMind Lite 3.0. ParaMind Lite 3.0 includes a large online manual, a Merge Wizard which takes out the learning curve, the Word Category Dictionary Editor, and a unique separate editing program called PM Select that lets you quickly copy and paste any text-format document in one movement of copy and paste. It will let you select blocks of text not next to each other. ParaMind Lite 3.0 also comes with a special dictionary printer so you can have a hard copy of these unique Word Categories.

The difference between ParaMind standard and ParaMind Lite is the Standard and Professional ParaMind versions use different techniques which produce larger merges in a shorter amount of time. The Professional Version also makes this process totally automated. The Standard version will produce a fifty-page or greater output of your sentence in as little as twenty seconds.

In ParaMind Lite, the user looks through the Word Category database for the words they want to brainstorm on. In the ParaMind Standard and Professional versions, the programs can do it for you automatically or you can also do it yourself.

ParaMind Lite is only $29.95!

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